Contacts and Birthdays - Safe, private, secure, easy to manage
Your Contacts stay on your Apple Contacts! Safe, private, secure, synced. NOT on a social-media server or an App that keeps its own separate address book!
I don't get it, why aren't all apps like Merge?
We don't get it either. But then again, we have strong thoughts and principles on data collection, privacy.
Merge manages the contact and birthday detail directly from your Contacts database.
You now have the best of both worlds;-
Your contacts and birthdays are kept safe, private, and secure on your device, synced to all your account devices across iCloud.
Birthday information in your Contacts can be easily added/edited directly and more easily
Plus you get a load of fun-facts (derived from the birth date)
Contacts View
Birthdays View
Birthday Fun facts!
Contact details are directly added and edited into your device Contacts database.
Add new contact.
Edit Contact Birthday details (photo, birthday).
Custom Contact events (e.g. anniversaries) can be individually selected.
IF you have created custom dated anniversaries in Contacts (e.g. “RIP” label ) these can be selected for your Merged view.
Full Contacts list, sorted by first name or last name.
Full (and fun) descriptions of Contact Zodiac, Chinese animal, Birthstone.
Contacts list filtered by birthdays only
Contacts stats: How many contacts, how many have birthday set.
Contacts events/anniversaries clearly identified as originating from your Contacts (rather than a calendar). No more confusion!
Display Contact details;-
Age next birthday.
Countdown of days to next birthday.
Weekday of next birthday.
Highlight of milestone (decade) birthdays.
Date of birth (DOB).
Weekday of birth.
Zodiac sign, name & description.
Chinese Animal sign, name & description.
Birthstone sign, name & description.